Frequently Asked Questions

Q : I don't have a 3d printer, but i'd like one, where do I start?
A : Please see the getting started with 3d printers page

Q : I don't want a 3d printer, how can I get BaseTags for my miniatures?
A : We've got you covered - please visit the Fabricators page. From there you will be able to view our registered Fabricators, their locations and where they can post to.

Q : I have ordered BaseTags from a Fabricator, but they have not arrived?
A : Please contact your Fabricator directly, their contact details are listed on our Fabricators page.

Q : I ordered BaseTags from a Fabricator, but they are improperly printed / not cleaned etc?
A : Please contact your Fabricator directly. Please also copy us in to any communications with your Fabricator so that we can ensure that the Fabricators are providing products of a suitable quality.

Q : How do I purchase additional BaseTag downloads?
A : Just visit the BaseTags Shop and follow the onscreen instructions.

Q : I have purchased a BaseTag top up, but my account has not been credited?
A : Please contact and provide your email address and username, along with the topup amount and we will look into it for you.

Q: My BaseTag printed, but unfortunately the corner details are not crispy clean and have warped?
A : Your BaseTag has not been sufficiently supported on the extremities (corners), please resupport as close to the corners as possible, and retry. If this does not resolve the issue, please contact us at and provide us with your username and the BaseTag recipe and we will test print for you.
© 2024 basetags ltd.