Getting Started with 3D Resin Printing

Getting started with 3D printing involves choosing between Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and resin (SLA/DLP) printers. Both have their pros and cons, and the right choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. For the purposes of printing out BaseTags, you would need to use a resin printer (SLA/DLP):

Resin 3D Printing (SLA/DLP)


  1. High Detail: Resin printers produce highly detailed prints with smooth surfaces.
  2. Smooth Finishes: Minimal layer lines, making them ideal for detailed models and miniatures.
  3. Material Properties: Resins can have special properties (e.g., flexible, high-temperature resistance).


  1. Cost: Resin printers and materials are generally more expensive.
  2. Post-Processing: Requires extensive post-processing, including washing and curing.
  3. Toxicity and Safety: Resin can be toxic and requires careful handling and proper ventilation.
  4. Smaller Build Volume: Typically have smaller build volumes compared to FDM printers.
Considerations for Getting Started
  1. Budget: Determine how much you’re willing to spend on the printer and materials.
  2. Intended Use: Consider what you want to print. For detailed miniatures, resin is preferable.
  3. Workspace: Ensure you have the appropriate workspace. Resin printers need a well-ventilated area.
  4. Learning Curve: Resin printers might require more technical knowledge and experience, but are very easy to assemble and set up.
  5. Health and Safety: Consider the safety aspects with resin printing, which requires handling chemicals.
Recommended Starter Printers
  1. Anycubic Photon Mono: Affordable, good print quality for beginners.
  2. Elegoo Mars 4: Reliable, excellent print quality, user-friendly.
Next step printers
  1. Anycubic Photon M5s 12k:Affordable, fantastic print quality
  2. Elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra:Affordable, reliable, wifi transfer, fantastic print quality

Printing with Resin

Choosing the right resin for SLA (Stereolithography) printers is crucial for achieving the desired print quality and performance. Here’s a guide to help you understand the different types of resin available, their applications, and some recommendations:

Types of Resin for SLA Printers
There are many types of Resin available, the most appropriate for printing miniatures in general and BaseTags are:
  1. Standard Resin:
  2. Flexible Resin:
    • Properties: Rubber-like flexibility, good for parts that need to bend and stretch.
    • Applications: Wearables, gaskets, and ergonomic prototypes.
    • Examples: Formlabs Flexible Resin, Anycubic Flexible Resin.
  3. High-Detail Resin:
    • Properties: High resolution and detail, ideal for intricate designs.
    • Applications: Miniatures, jewelry, and highly detailed models.
    • Examples: Monocure Rapid, Elegoo ABS-Like Resin.
Considerations for Choosing Resin
  1. Printer Compatibility: Ensure the resin is compatible with your specific SLA printer. Some resins are optimized for specific printers or brands.
  2. Safety and Handling: Resin can be toxic, so proper handling, ventilation, and protective gear (gloves, masks) are necessary.
  3. Curing Requirements: Post-processing involves washing (usually with Isopropyl alcohol) and curing (using UV light). Make sure you have the necessary equipment.
  4. Cost: Resin can be expensive. Consider your budget and the amount of resin needed for your projects.
Recommended Resins for Beginners
  1. Anycubic Standard Resin:
    • Features: Affordable, easy to work with, good for general-purpose printing.
    • Best For: Beginners, hobbyists.
  2. Elegoo Standard Resin:
    • Features: Reliable, good detail, and smooth finish.
    • Best For: Miniatures, prototypes, general use.
  3. Siraya Tech Fast:
    • Features: Fast curing, durable, and affordable.
    • Best For: Beginners needing quick and durable prints.
  4. Anycubic Water Washable Resin:
    • Features:Fast curing, easy clean in water, affordable.
    • Best for:Beginners needing an easy post print process, hobbyists.

Choosing the right resin for your SLA printer depends on your specific needs and the properties you require in your final prints. For beginners, starting with standard resins from reputable brands like Anycubic or Elegoo is a good choice. As you gain experience, you can explore more specialized resins for detailed, durable, or flexible prints. Always follow safety guidelines and manufacturer instructions to ensure the best results and a safe printing experience.

Washing and curing are essential post-processing steps for resin 3D prints to ensure they reach their final, usable state. Here’s a detailed guide on how to effectively wash and cure your resin prints:

Washing Resin Prints


  • Remove Uncured Resin: Washing removes any uncured resin from the surface of the print, which can be sticky and potentially hazardous.

Materials Needed:

  • Water (for water-washable resin) or Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for standard resin
  • Cleaning Container: A container for washing prints. Some users prefer ultrasonic cleaners for better results.
  • Soft Brush: To help remove resin from intricate details.
  • Paper Towels or Lint-Free Cloth: For drying the print.
  • Gloves: To protect your hands from uncured resin.
  • Ventilated Area: Ensure good ventilation while washing and curing.


  1. Initial Rinse:
    • Remove the print from the build plate.
    • Rinse the print in a container filled with the appropriate cleaning solution (water for water-washable resins, Isopropyl alcohol for standard resins).
  2. Detailed Cleaning:
    • Use a soft brush to gently scrub the print, especially in detailed areas, to remove all uncured resin.
    • Change the cleaning solution if it becomes too saturated with resin.
  3. Final Rinse:
    • After scrubbing, give the print a final rinse in fresh cleaning solution to ensure all resin is removed.
  4. Drying:
    • Place the cleaned print on a paper towel or lint-free cloth to dry.
    • Allow the print to air dry completely before curing. Use compressed air to speed up drying if necessary.
Curing Resin Prints


  • Solidify the Resin: Curing hardens the resin fully, improving the mechanical properties and durability of the print.

Materials Needed:

  • UV Curing Station or UV Lamp: For providing the necessary UV light to cure the resin.
  • Turntable (optional): To ensure even exposure to UV light.
  • Safety Gear: UV protective glasses if using a UV lamp.


  1. Prepare the Curing Station:
    • Place the print in a UV curing station or under a UV lamp. A curing station with a turntable can help achieve even curing.
  2. Cure the Print:
    • Set the curing time according to the resin manufacturer’s recommendations. This usually ranges from a few minutes to an hour.
    • Rotate the print periodically if you are not using a turntable to ensure all sides are evenly exposed to UV light.
  3. Check for Completeness:
    • After the initial curing period, check the print. If it still feels tacky, additional curing time may be needed.
    • Ensure the print is fully hardened before use.
Recommended Equipment



Tips for Effective Washing and Curing
  1. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines:
    • Always follow the resin manufacturer's instructions for washing and curing times.
  2. Temperature Control:
    • Perform curing in a warm environment to enhance the effectiveness of UV light.
  3. Avoid Over-Washing:
    • Prolonged washing can cause parts to absorb water or IPA, potentially weakening the print.
  4. Even Curing:
    • Ensure all surfaces of the print are exposed to UV light for an even cure.
  5. Safety First:
    • Wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid exposure to harmful fumes and uncured resin.
  6. Other useful supplies:

Proper washing and curing are crucial steps to achieve the best results with your resin prints. Using the right tools and following a methodical approach will ensure your prints are clean, durable, and ready for use. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, investing in quality washing and curing equipment can significantly enhance the quality and longevity of your resin prints.


The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines when working with resin 3D printers and materials. Proper safety precautions should be taken when handling chemicals and using UV light sources. Links included here are affiliate links to Amazon, and we may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. Thank you for supporting us!

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